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Text File | 1992-06-16 | 3.2 KB | 98 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- \fBWhen Spawning a Refraction Ray:\fC
- Mask = 0x01 << Spawning_ray_level;
- path = path | Mask; /* Turn on correct bit. */
- trace( /* refraction ray */ );
- path = path & ~Mask;
- \fBWhen Spawning Reflection Ray:\fC
- Mask = 0x01 << Spawning_ray_level;
- path = path & ~Mask; /* Turn off correct bit. */
- trace( /* reflection ray */ );
- .hl
- typedef struct _stree {
- TRIANGLE_REC *last_object;
- TRIANGLE_REC **last_voxel;
- struct _stree *refraction_ray;
- struct _stree *reflection_ray;
- float check_shadowing(ray, light, path, Spawning_ray_level)
- RAY_REC *ray; /* ray from shading point to light source */
- LIGHT_REC *light; /* the light source we are interested in */
- int path; /* bit table describing current position in vision ray tree */
- int Spawning_ray_level; /* level of the ray spawning this shadow ray */
- {
- unsigned int Mask;
- SHADOW_TREE *cache;
- cache = light->cache_tree;
- Mask = 0x01;
- /* If the spawning ray's level is 0 (primary ray), then we */
- /* use the head of the cache_tree. */
- for (i = 0; i < Spawning_ray_level; ++i) {
- if (Mask & path) cache = cache->refraction_ray;
- else cache = cache->reflection_ray;
- Mask = Mask << 1; /* Shift mask left 1 bit */
- }
- if (cache->last_object != NULL) {
- /* intersect_object() marks object as having been */
- /* intersected by this ray. */
- hit = intersect_object( ray, cache->last_object, &object);
- if (hit) {
- return(1.0); /* full shadowing */
- }
- cache->last_object = NULL; /* object was not hit */
- if (cache->last_voxel != NULL) { /* implied !hit */
- /* intersect_object_in_voxel_for_shadows() returns hit = TRUE */
- /* on first affirmed intersection with an opaque object. */
- /* It ignores transparent objects altogether. */
- hit = intersect_objects_in_voxel_for_shadows( ray,
- cache->last_voxel, &object);
- if (hit) {
- cache->last_object = object;
- return(1.0);
- }
- cache->last_voxel = NULL; /* voxel did not supply a hit */
- }
- }
- /* traverse_voxels_for_shadows() DOES intersect transparent objects and */
- /* sorts the intersections for proper attenuation of the light */
- /* intensity. If multiple objects are hit, then one of the */
- /* intersections must be transparent, and the object returned is the */
- /* transparent one. Tracing of the shadow ray halts once the light */
- /* source has been reached. */
- hit = traverse_voxels_for_shadows(ray, &object, &voxel, &shadow_percent);
- if (!hit) {
- cache->last_object = NULL;
- cache->last_voxel = NULL;
- return(0.0); /* No shadowing was found. */
- }
- if (object->transparency_value > 0.0) {
- /* the object is transparent */
- cache->last_object = NULL;
- cache->last_voxel = NULL;
- }
- else {
- /* The object was NOT transparent, cache the info. */
- cache->last_object = object;
- cache->last_voxel = voxel;
- }
- return ( shadow_percent );
- }
- - Andrew Pearce, Alias, someplace in Toronto - pearce@alias.com